Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Stage 10: Orléans to Saint-Amand-Montrond - Pancake

Another flat stage! 

How many more can there be?

The teams ride out of Orléans, where they spent their rest day.

There may be crosswinds, says Vello. Plan to stay near the front of the peloton.

Good forward thinking, says David. 

Indeed, says Gaius.

Sweezus and Nicolo pass them, talking.

Did anyone hear what they were saying? asks Vello.

Not me, says David. 

Nor me, says Gaius.

Probably about those damn frogs, says Vello.

Arthur rolls up and draws level.

Any news of Terence's frog team? asks Vello.

Missing, says Arthur. Except for the tinker.

Thank goodness, says Gaius. The Kroombit tinker goes back to Kroombit Tops at the end of the Tour.

The flat race continues.

No crosswinds of note, yet.

Terence is waiting at the feeding station with Belle and Sweetpea.

The Kroombit tinker zooms by.

Stop! cries Terence.

She stops suddenly, but no other riders are toppled.

She comes back.

Hello dear, says Belle. Have you eaten?

No, says the Kroombit tinker. 

Fancy a tiny piece of pancake? asks Belle.

Um, okay, says the Kroombit tinker. 

Belle rips an edge off the apple-filled pancake in Vello's musette.

He won't mind, surely.

Stop stuffing your face, Kroomy, says Terence.

The Kroombit tinker has been stuffing her face with the pancake.

I've stopped, says the tinker.

Where are Spider-bonk and Worm-bonk? asks Terence. Did Nicolo kill them?

Maybe, says the Kroombit tinker. But he didn't mean to.

He DID mean to, says Terence. 

He only meant to kidnap them, says the Kroombit tinker, but he knocked them senseless, and then he had to pick them up off the road with a trowel. 

Wah! says Terence.

This is bad news.

Sweetpea looks sympathetic.


Meanwhile, up the road, in Saint-Amand-Montrond, a bunch sprint is occurring.

Who's in it?

Philipsen, Van der Poel, Girmay, Ackerman...

Van der Poel drops away, leaving an opening for Philipsen, his team mate.

Philipsen takes it! Hooray!

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