Thursday, July 11, 2024

Stage 12: Aurillac to Villeneuve-sur-Lot - Bini!

Another flat stage? 

Yes, but through beautiful landscapes.

(which the riders don't notice)

They juggle for positions.

You much of a sprinter? asks Sweezus.

Not too bad, says Nicolo.

Shall we give it a go? asks Sweezus.

Sure, says Nicolo. 

A breakaway? says Arthur.

Yeah, says Sweezus. A breakaway.

Nicolo speeds forward.

He's still got that trowel, says Sweezus.

Must be stalking the Kroombit tinker, says Arthur.

Gaius'll be livid if Nicolo runs over the tinker, says Sweezus.

True, says Arthur. But she can look after herself.

This is so.

The Kroombit tinker has hooked up with Baby Pierre, who now admires her.

She has ridden all this way on a sliver of pancake!

I sometimes take risks and cause crashes, says Baby Pierre.

On purpose? asks the Kroombit tinker.

Not on purpose, says Baby Pierre. But they ought to watch out.

I agree, says the tinker,.

Let's hope Alex Lutsenko is watching out.

Let's hope that, if he crashes, Primo Roglic will not be involved.

And lose six seconds in the general classification.

Which would be a pity.

But let us go forward to the finish in Villeneuve-sur-Lot.

Nicolo is nowhere to be seen.

Binian Girmay is surging past Wout van Aert, Arnaud Demare and Pascal Ackerman

Yes! It's a third win for Bini!

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