Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Creepy On The Train

Nicolo looks for a seat that has just been vacated.

There's one, says the Kroombit tinker.

Best if you don't say anything, says Nicolo.

Arthur would let me, says the Kroombit tinker. 

Point taken, says Nicolo.

He sits down in the seat that has just been vacated,

Hey! says the woman in the next seat. That seat is taken.

It need not trouble us, says Nicolo. 

Now you're being creepy, says the woman. And what's that you're holding? A frog?

Yes, says the Kroombit tinker. And he told me not to say anything. But if you think he's creepy, I must.

You don't look like a French frog, says the woman.

I am not a French frog, says the Kroombit tinker. I came to France to take part in the famous bike race.

As did I, says Nicolo.

The woman ignores him.

And how did you do? asks the woman.

I came first in the second of the time trials, says the tinker. But nobody timed me.

Oh, bad luck, says the woman. So where next?

Florence, says the Kroombit tinker. Then home to Queensland.

Florence is lovely, says the woman. 

I know, says the tinker, but we're only going there on an errand.

An errand? says the woman.

To return Sweetpea to his mother, says the Kinker. 

Another frog? asks the woman.

No, says Nicolo. This has gone far enough. Madam, do you have an empty container?

No I don't, says the woman. Why do you want one?

For the frog, says Nicolo. The ticket inspector insists that I keep her contained.

Ask them, says the woman pointing across the aisle at a young couple munching crisps from a tube of Pringles.

Nicolo stands up to ask the young couple if he can have the tube when they have finished eating their Pringles.

The woman's husband returns from the toilet, and sits down in the seat Nicolo has vacated.


That part went seamlessly.

But it remains to be seen whether Nicolo will be given the tube.

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