Monday, July 29, 2024

Mother's Face

Arthur hands the confession to Nicolo.

Nicolo reads it and laughs.

Will you sign it? asks the Kroombit tinker.

I will, says Nicolo. Can I have my pen back?

Arthur returns the pen.

Nicolo signs the confession.

Who'll be seeing it? asks Nicolo.

The pobblebonks at Kroombit Tops, says the tinker.

Is that all? asks Nicolo.

Yes, says the Kroombit tinker. I don't want them to blame me for the deaths of their heroes. Not to mention how it must have affected their father. They were his three best children.

I had no idea, says Nicolo. Would you like me to add a condolence?

No thank you, says the tinker. The confession will do.

Seems a pity only frogs get to see it, says Nicolo.

Why? asks Arthur. 

I'm quite proud of it, says Nicolo. 

I wrote it, says Arthur.

In my name, says Nicolo.

Three best children? says Sweetpea,

What? asks Nicolo.

You killed three best children, says Sweetpea.

Frog children, says Nicolo. So what? Now you don't want to come with me? 

What if you kill me? asks Sweetpea.

He won't kill you, says Arthur. At worst he could make you turn red.

I'm already red, says Sweetpea.

Only in parts. He could make you turn redder, says Arthur. 

I won't do that, says Nicolo. Imagine your mother's face when she saw you.

It's always the same, says Sweetpea. Stoney.

Imagine what she'd say then, says Nicolo.

She'll say Where have you been? says Sweetpea,

She knows where you've been, says Nicolo. I was there when you asked her.

I've never been away for such a long time, says Sweetpea.

She'll have enjoyed the break, says Nicolo. Won't she, Arthur.

Yes, says Arthur. And you can always say you were kidnapped.

Of course I'll deny it, says Nicolo.

Don't listen to them Sweetpea, says the Kroombit tinker. Its obvious these two have no idea how alarming their words are.

 Can I sit with you? asks Sweetpea.

Okay, says the tinker. Come and sit with me in Arthur's seat, and he can have yours.

Arthur is happy to swap seats with Sweetpea.

Especially as he's noticed a ticket inspector approaching....

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