Sunday, July 7, 2024

Stage 9: Troyes to Troyes - Gravel

A stage with fourteen sections of gravel.

A challenging day.

Belle has left Terence and Sweetpea in the Cathedral of Saint Peter and Saint Paul.

A fancy Cathedral.

You can visit your cousin, while I do some last minute shopping, says Belle.

Yay! says Terence. He runs down the central aisle followed by Sweetpea.

Grumpy! says Terence. Guess what? We're here!

Grumpy looks grumpy.

Say hello to your cousins, says the Madonna, who is tall and pretty.

Hello, says Grumpy.

He's had a tummy upset, says the Madonna. 

So I have to wear THIS! says Grumpy.

It's a short Roman tunic.

Ha ha! laughs Terence.

Guess what? says Sweetpea. Terence has a frog team.

In the Tour? asks the Madonna. How lovely!

One died, says Terence.

How sad, says the Madonna. 

It doesn't matter, says Sweetpea. Terence had a spare.

She's a girl frog, says Terence. She's probably scared because today it's on the gravel.

Nonsense! Girls are brave, says the Madonna. 

Can Grumpy come with us to watch the finish? asks Terence,

Certainly, says the Madonna.

Grumpy gets down from his podium. 

That tunic's too short, says Sweetpea. I saw your bottom.

Who cares? says Grumpy.

The three infants go outside and follow the cheers.

Here come the first bunch of riders covered in white gravel road dust,

Woo! Anthony Turgis, a French guy, comes first, just pipping Tom Pidcock, and Derek Gee.

Where is Terence's frog team?

Not here yet.

Other riders roll past, also covered in white gravel road dust.

Terence spots Nicolo.

Hey! calls Terence. Have you seen my frog team?

Nicolo, who has seen the frog team, pretends not to hear.

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