Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Frog Is Their Frog

There are several flies on the window.

The Kroombit tinker leaps up to catch one.

The fly buzzes away.

Then it comes back, and keeps buzzing.

I'll help you, says Milly.

She picks up an empty water glass from a side table.

Catch it in that!

She gives it to Terence.

Terence stands ready,

A fly settles on the window.

Crash! Terence has trapped it.

Now what? asks Terence.

You slip a piece of cardboard behind it, says Milly. Then you can carry it anywhere.

Where's the cardboard? asks Terence.

I'll go and get a menu, says Sweetpea.

He runs off.

Don't worry about that, says the Kroombit tinker. Just lift the edge of the glass and I'll slip under.

The fly will fly out, says Milly.

It won't, says the tinker.

Terence tilts the water glass, and the Kroombit tinker slips under.

She is fast, as we know. She swallows the fly.

A waiter comes over.

What was that crash? What are you young people doing?

Nothing, says Terence.

It does not look like nothing, says the waiter. It looks like you tried to break our front window with a water glass.

There's a frog in it, says Milly.

The waiter looks closely. 

Mais oui! There is a live frog in the glass!

A few of the restaurant guests are now watching.

Sweetpea returns with a menu.

You're too late, says Terence. We've already got into trouble.

Where are your parents? asks the waiter.

Barcelona says Terence.

Florence, says Sweetpea.

Over there, says Milly.

The waiter escorts them back to Milly's table.

He is carrying the water glass with the Kroombit tinker still sitting inside.

Madame, monsieur, says the waiter, we do not encourage frog-catching activities in Le Frog's front window.

I should think not, says Milly's father.

But your children have caught one, says the waiter. 

These two lads are not our children, says Milly's mother. And the frog is their frog. And their party is sitting over there.

Desolé, says the waiter. I shall speak to their party.

He carries the Kroombit tinker to Vello's table.

Ah, waiter! says Vello. More boules de glace all round, s'il vous plait.

Certainly monsieur, says the waiter, but first....

Citron for me, says Vello.

Papa, says Belle. The waiter has the Kroombit tinker in a water glass!

Whatever for? asks Vello.

I'll take her, says Gaius. Thankyou, waiter. Chocolat for me.

Double frais for me, says Sweezus.

Citron vert, says Arthur. Make it a triple.

Chocolat and mango, says Nicolo.

Double mango, says David, patting his tummy.

Vanille, says Belle. But make it a mini.

It's a complicated order. The waiter does not have his pencil.

He goes off to put in the order before it goes out of his head.

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