Sunday, July 14, 2024

Stage 15: Loudenvielle to Plateau de Beille - Explosive

Today will be a hard one, with five mountains.

Ready, men? asks Vello.

They go up the first one.

And down it. Up another. And so on.

Team Visma is controlling the peloton. 

Baby Pierre does not care to remain in the peloton.

He whizzes past Terence who is at the side of the road telling Sweetpea to watch out for clowns.

What are clowns? asks Sweetpea.

Scary people with red mouths and bright orange hair, says Terence

What do they do? asks Sweetpea,

Stare at you, says Terence. 

I'm used to that, says Sweetpea.

I mean, kidnap you, says Terence. And take you away.

Let's go and stand next to Belle, says Sweetpea.

They go and find Belle who is talking to....a clown!

There you are, kids, says Belle. Look who's here! Marcel, in his new clown suit.

The clown suit is yellow, like a chicken.

Like it? asks Marcel. 

He plucks at the yellow front part with his chicken gloves.

See my big tummy?

That's not funny, says Terence.

Here, Terence, says Belle. Hold these musettes. And these are for you, Sweetpea.

She turns back to Marcel the Chicken.

Keep your eyes peeled, says Belle.

I'm known to be highly observant, says Marcel. But what does she look like?

A small warty brown frog, says Belle. And we don't want to lose her.

Understood, says Marcel the Chicken.

He keeps his eyes peeled.

Sweezus and Arthur ride by.

Terence hands Sweezus a musette.

Thanks, buddy,  says Sweezus. What's in it?

A cold black pork cutlet! shouts Belle. 

 Sweezus does not feel like a cold black pork cutlet. These are the mountains. He needs ice and a gel.

Arthur takes his musette from Sweetpea.

Another cold black pork cutlet.

But in the bottom of the musette are a couple of gels.

Have a gel, says Arthur. 

Bro, you're a life saver, says Sweezus.

The Kroombit tinker zooms past.

Was that your frog? asks Marcel.

Yes, says Belle. Good spotting.

Now what? asks Marcel the Chicken.

At least we know Nicolo hasn't got her, says Belle.

But here he comes now.

Watch this, says Marcel, sticking his chicken foot out.

Don't do that! says Belle.

Nicolo avoids the chicken foot.

But misses out on a cold black pork cutlet.

He won't be much of a contender today.

Meanwhile, up ahead, there are riders who have had everything done for them, by their teams.

They are Tadej Pogacar, and Vingo. They are both 5 kilometres from the Plateau de Beille.

Tadej attacks explosively at this point.

Can Vingegaard go with him?

Not today.

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