Friday, July 26, 2024

One Weird Guy

Nicolo picks up the half eaten frog leg.

What's that? asks Terence.

It was stuck in my teeth, says Nicolo. I spat it into my handkerchief.

Now we all know, says Belle. Thank you Terence.

I was just asking, says Terence. 

It's all right, says Nicolo. 

The waiter arrives with the coffees.

Would you mind getting rid of this for me? asks Nicolo. 

Certainly monsieur, says the waiter.

He takes the half eaten frog leg from Nicolo.

Stuck in your teeth was it?

Si, says Nicolo.

The waiter takes it away.

What a rude waiter, says Vello. 

And he used his bare fingers, says David.

What would you have done? asks Sweezus.

Used a serviette, says Belle.

Yeah I guess so, says Sweezus. 

They start drinking their coffees.

So who's going where next? asks Vello. David and I are taking the fast train to Paris.

I might join you, says Belle. I love the Olympics.

Good thing we're missingthe opening ceremony, says David. 

Why is that? asks Gaius.

It's pelting with rain, says David. 

What about you Nicolo? asks Gaius. 

I'll be taking the train home to Florence, says Nicolo. With the bambino.

He means me, says Sweetpea. 

I do mean you, says Nicolo. And I shall treat you well, since you made me a poem.

Ask him for red drinks, says Terence.

There will be plenty of red drinks, says Nicolo.

Excuse me, Nicolo, says the Kroombit tinker. Did you mean it about the confession?

No, says Nicolo. It was an ironic remark.

That's cruel, says Belle. The Kroombit tinker could use your confession.

All right, says Nicolo. If she writes it, I'll sign it.

Now? asks the tinker.

Not now, says Nicolo.

He finishes his coffee. Coming, Sweetpea?

Now? asks Sweetpea.

Yes now, says Nicolo.

He stands up, takes Sweetpea's little stone hand, and leads him out of Le Frog before anyone can say anything.

He's one weird guy, says Sweezus.

Want me to follow them? asks Arthur.

Yeah why not, says Sweezus. 

Arthur gets up and goes out.

The Kroombit tinker hops quietly down from the table and follows.

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