Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bright Red Nose

Arthur follows Nicolo and Sweetpea to the station.

The Kroombit tinker is not far behind.

At the station, Nicolo buys two tickets to Florence.

Then he leads Sweetpea to a kiosk.

They come out with red drinks.

The Kroombit tinker has caught up with Arthur.

Why did you come? asks Arthur.

I want that confession, says the Kroombit tinker.

Doesn't look like you'll get it, says Arthur.

I'll get it, says the Kroombit tinker. I'm going to get on the train.

And do what? asks Arthur.

Pester him until he writes it, says the tinker.

Gaius won't like you going off on your own, says Arthur. 

He won't know, says the tinker.

He will know, says Arthur. I'll tell him.

Okay, says the tinker. Call him and tell him.

Tell him what ? asks Arthur.

I'll be back, says the Kroombit tinker. 

Arthur calls Gaius, who is at his hotel, already thinking of packing.

Arthur, says Gaius. Terrible news! I've lost the Kroombit tinker.

She's here at the station, says Arthur. She wants to get Nicolo's confession, but then she'll be back.

The station! says Gaius. Is she thinking of boarding the train?

Yes, says Arthur.

 Put her on, says Gaius.

The train? asks Arthur.

The phone! says Gaius.

Arthur looks around for the tinker, but she's already boarded a train.

She's gone, says Arthur.

Find her, says Gaius. And bring her back. This can't be allowed to happen. She's endangered

I know, says Arthur. Leave it to me.

Arthur is glad to have something like this to do.

He boards the train for Florence.

He does not have a ticket, but since when did someone who leads a charmed life need a ticket?

He looks up and down the carriage.

Is that Nicolo's head? And Sweetpea's little stone elbow sticking out from the aisle seat beside him?

He moves closer.

Yes it is Nicolo. That is his head. And Sweetpea's elbow.

The train starts to move.

Arthur has not yet spotted the tinker.

But she must be on board.

He sees an empty seat, behind Nicolo and Sweetpea.

He moves to it, and sits.

Merde! What has he sat on?

Arthur! Get off me! squeaks the tinker.

Arthur moves, just enough to let the tinker squirm out from under his bottom.

Didn't you see me? asks the tinker.

No, says Arthur, but it's good that I've found you.

Nicolo looks over the back of his seat. What's all the commotion?

Me and the tinker, says Arthur. 

You followed us! says Nicolo.

Hello, says Sweetpea, standing up in his seat and looking over the back of it.

His little stone lips are bright red. And so is his nose.

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