Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Stage 5: Saint Jean to Saint Vulbas - Super-Happy

 A flat stage, finishing in Saint Vulbas.

And what is there in Saint Vulbas?

The tomb of Saint Vulbas.

And not only that. 

The three fingers of Saint John the Baptist!

But let's not lose focus.

Bang! The teams roll out of Saint Jean-de-Maurienne.

If they don't appear to be trying, they do have their plans.

I will not win today, says Tadej. But I will not lose my yellow.

Good plan, say his team mates. Perhaps Cavendish will win it.

Ha ha! laughs Tadej. Cavendish would then be super-happy!

Sweezus is talking to Nicolo. 

Dead frog. Why? asks Sweezus.

It all went wrong, says Nicolo. I was merely trying to catch him.

Yeah, well, says Sweezus. Now Terence has only got two frogs in his frog team.

Actually no, says Arthur. The Kroombit tinker is taking the place of the dead one.

Shit, says Sweezus, isn't she a female?

I don't think it matters, says Arthur. They're not a registered team.

Sheez! says Sweezus. Okay, at least Terence'll be happy.

He is pragmatic, says Nicolo. Like me.

I'm pragmatic, says Sweezus. But I watch where I'm going.

It will turn out well in the end, says Nicolo.

Never has before, says Sweezus. 

He feels cross.

He shoots forward towards the feeding station.

Belle is waiting with Terence and Sweetpea.

Guess what? calls Terence.

I know! says Sweezus. He grabs his musette from Belle.

What's in it this time? Not another foul-smelling sausage?

No, cool, it's a potato cake with bacon.

He speeds off again.

He knew, says Terence.

He thought he knew, says Belle. What were you going to tell him?

About the three fingers, says Terence.

They are probably not John the Baptist's real fingers, says Belle.

Can we go and see them? asks Sweetpea.

If we have time, says Belle.

The race is nearly over. A hectic bunch sprint is occuring in the streets of Saint Vulbas.

Cavendish is well-positioned, about five riders back. 

He sees an opening, and goes like the clappers.

He ends up super-happy.

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