Thursday, July 4, 2024

Stage 6: Mâcon to Dijon - Snails

Another flat stage.

The riders stream out of Mâcon.

Baby Pierre has shot out in front.

Of course no one has noticed. 

He decides to turn back and check on his frog team.

Alors! Who is that riding one of his tiny bicycles?

He skids to a halt in front of the Kroombit tinker.

There you are! says the Kroombit tinker. You need to catch up.

I don't need to catch up, says Baby Pierre, and why are you here?

Insect-bonk is no more, says the Kroombit tinker. I am taking his place.

Merde! cries Baby Pierre. You are a girl frog!

This bike is a good fit for me, says the Kroombit tinker.  And now that you're listening....

What now? asks Baby Pierre, seeing the peloton roll past him.

You need to ensure we are fed, says the Kroombit tinker.

No I don't, says Baby Pierre. I'm a free spirit.

A captain can't be a free spirit, says the Kroombit tinker.

Watch me! says Baby Pierre, zipping away, but feeling guilty. 

Sweezus and Arthur are discussing their chances.

Fuck all, says Sweezus. No mountains today.

It might rain, says Arthur.

So what? snaps Sweezus.

Not to mention the crosswinds, says Arthur.

And? says Sweezus.

So it won't be totally boring, says Arthur. And Belle mentioned snails.

Not to EAT? says Sweezus.

Did someone mention snails? asks Vello riding up behind them.

Yeah, says Sweezus. Not in a good way.

Belle has promised us snails today, says Vello.

Must be some kind of metaphor, says Sweezus.

You're in a bad mood, says Vello. 

They arrive at the feeding station, and grab their musettes from Belle.

Sweezus looks into his. Fuck-a-nooey! A bunch of cooked snails.

He tips them out on the road even though it's illegal.

Baby Pierre has again wound his way back through the peloton and sees them.

Snails! Is that something frogs eat?

It is starting to rain.

Belle has sent Terence to pick up the snails that Sweezus discarded.

Wait for a safe break! calls Belle.

Terence waits.

Along come the pobblebonks and the Kroombit tinker, in tight formation. They see the snails and stop for a much-needed snack.

Other riders skilfully avoid them.

Terence goes back to Belle empty-handed.

Never mind, says Belle. At least the snails are all gone.

Up ahead the peloton splits and quickly reforms, before heading into Dijon, home of mustard, where a bunch sprint thunders towards the finish.

Groenewegen, Philipsen, Girmay... who will it be?


That was exciting.

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