Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Stage 17: Saint-Paul-Trois-Chateaux to SuperDévoluy - Hero

A mountain stage.

Stay near the front of the peloton, says Sweezus. If there's a breakaway, join it.

Me? asks Nicolo.

Yes, you, says Sweezus.

Nicolo surges forward.

His heart isn't in it, says Sweezus.

Uh-huh, says Arthur.

Nor is yours, says Sweezus. What's up?

Nothing, says Arthur. Terence asked me to help him and Sweetpea with their poem.

What poem? asks Sweezus.

To get in Nicolo's good books, says Arthur. Nicolo'll be taking Sweetpea back to Florence.

Since when did those little guys care about being in anyone's good books? asks Sweezus.

Since the the frog team died, says Arthur.  

Oh yeah? says Sweezus. 

Mm, says Arthur.

Okay, says Sweezus. 

They pedal on. Sweezus is thinking of rhymes. ( Nicolo-piccolo etc) 

Arthur isn't. He doesn't do rhymes.

Belle is at the feeding station, handing out musettes filled with Tricastin black truffles.

They grab them. Truffles! What was she thinking? 

The intermediate sprint approaches and is won by Binian Girmay, in spite of his stitches.

Well done Binian Girmay.

Nicolo has joined a breakaway, and quickly been dropped.

Curses. If only the pobblebonks had not been so easily run over, and ruined his plan....

At the finish, in SuperDévoluy, Terence and Sweetpea are waiting.

Belle has allowed them to wait there with Marcel the clown.

Cheer up, boys, says Marcel. Shall I do my diasappearing egg trick? 

No, says Terence. We're busy.

You don't look busy, says Marcel. See this egg?

We're making a poem, says Terence.

A poem! says Marcel. Let me help you. I have a large vocabulary.

We don't need it, says Sweetpea. We've already got words.

Ho ho! says Marcel. What are they?

But before they can answer Richard Carapaz rides past them, solo. 

The crowd goes crazy.

Richard Carapaz! Ecuadorian hero.


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