Saturday, July 6, 2024

Stage 8: Semur to Colombay - Pungent

Another flat stage. 

Another chance for the sprinters.

This time I will not come second, thinks Jasper Philipsen.

Yes, you will, thinks Binian Girmay.

Jonas Abrahamson is also thinking: today I will go far out in front and get maximum points. If my legs are good enough I might even win it.

Meanwhile it is raining.

Vello is struggling to put on his rain jacket.

Here, let me hold onto your sleeve, says David.

Careful! says Gaius.

Vello manages to do it himself.

A woman in the crowd calls out Bravo, Vello !

Vello wobbles, attempting a bow.

Who was that lady? asks Gaius.

Emilie du Chatelet, says Vello, an old acquaintance.

From the old days? asks Gaius.

Yes, the old days, says Vello. At that time, she was nearly as famous as me.

For what? asks Gaius.

Oh, science, mathematics and physics, says Vello. The usual things.

A crosswind blows crossways.

The feeding station appears in the distance.

Not snails again, I hope, says Gaius. They gave me indigestion.

Me too, says David. 

They grab their musettes from Belle, and look inside.

A pungent cheesy smell wafts out.

Epoisses! says Vello. My favourite cheese!

Sweezus and Arthur, up near the front of the peloton, have already got their epoisses.

Cheese! says Sweezus. Guess it's better than snails. What kind is it?

Epoisses, says Arthur. They wash the rind to encourage bacteria.

I did NOT need to know that, says Sweezus.

They speed off, with their pungent epoisses.

It's a fast day, thanks to Abrahamson being way out in front for so long.

He slacks off 14k from the finish.

A tough uphill finish.

It's a close one. 

Jasper Philipsen almost beats Binian Girmay.

But... he doesn't.

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