Thursday, August 1, 2024

Salty Inside

Excuse me, says Nicolo, to the young couple eating the Pringles.

Yes? says the young woman.

This may seem like a strange request, says Nicolo.

You want the tube when it's empty, says the young woman.

In a word, yes, says Nicolo. I assume you were listening.

We were listening, says the young woman. And we were trying to guess who you are.

Does it matter? asks Nicolo.

No, but we heard you're in France for the famous bike race, says the young man.

I am, says Nicolo.

So what team were you in? asks the young man.

Team Condor, says Nicolo.

He must be that guy, says the young woman.

He doesn't look like him, says the young man.

He's Arthur Rimbaud, says the Kroombit tinker. 

Nicolo looks surprised. Until he remembers that he is trying out Arthur's charmed life. Which involves wheedling a container for the Kroombit tinker from complete strangers. 

You could say that, says Nicolo. Have you finished the Pringles?

Not yet, says the young woman. Want one?

Take a few, says the young man.

I was in the bike race as well, says the Kroombit tinker.

We heard, says the young woman. And nobody timed you.

What team were you in? asks the young man.

Baby Pierre's team, says the Kroombit tinker. But I ended up on my own.

And the Pringles tube is for you? asks the young woman.

I guess so, says the Kroombit  tinker. I'm not all that keen.

I don't blame you, says the young woman. It's all salty inside.

And no windows, says the young man.

I don't think we're obliged to keep the lid on, says Nicolo.

You probably only need it to show the inspector, says the young man.

True, says the young woman. Once he's gone, you can come out.

I will, says the Kroombit tinker. Does that mean we can have it?

The young woman tips the rest of the Pringles into her lap.

There are at least twenty.

She gives Nicolo the tube.

And invites him to take some more Pringles.

Grazie, says Nicolo. taking the tube and a few Pringles.

Are you Italian? asks the young man. I thought Rimbaud was French.

Just practising for Florence, says Nicolo.

He retreats, with his alias intact.

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