Thursday, August 22, 2024

Eating The Evidence

My mistake, says Gaius, was to tell Baby Pierre where she was.

He came to see you? says Arthur.

Yes, says Gaius. He was asking, and I happened to mention that she was in Florence.

So he sped off to Florence, says Arthur.

He sped off, says Gaius. At the time, I was unaware of his destination.

You couldn't have known, says Arthur.

No, says Gaius. But what to do now?

They're heading to Spain to catch up with the Vuelta, says Arthur.

Do we know anyone in the Vuelta? asks Gaius.

Pablo, says Arthur. He'll be in it.

Wonderful, says Gaius. Call Pablo and ask him to keep an eye on them.

All right, says Arthur. Should he make contact?

Yes, says Gaius. Let them finish the race. Then help them get home.

Fine, says Arthur. I'll call him. 

Good, says Gaius. I feel better now, about leaving without the Kroombit tinker.

You should, says Arthur.

Enjoy your cake, says Gaius.

Thanks, says Arthur, ending the call.

What did Gaius say? asks Victor.

He blames himself, sasys Arthur.

That's not like him, says Victor. Remember that penguin pie? He would never admit it.

Not the same thing, says Arthur. You made a mistake there.

Police don't make mistakes, says Victor.

Carrot? says Nicolo.

But Victor has conveniently forgotten that mix-up.

And eaten the evidence.

Arthur calls Pablo.

No answer. 

Pablo is in the Andalusian white village of Archidona at the start of stage seven.

Where there is no sign of Baby Pierre or the Kroombit tinker yet.

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