Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Creepy Relics

Ready? asks Baby Pierre.

Ready, says the Kroombit tinker.

Head for the front door, says Baby Pierre. And straight down the steps. Watch out for the policeman.

Okay, says the tinker.

Goodbye! says Sweetpea. 

Good bye, and good luck! says the Madonna.

You believe in good luck? asks Baby Pierre.

I keep my options open, says the Madonna.

Baby Pierre zooms towards the front door of the cathedral, followed by the tinker.

They clunk-clunk-clunk down the steps, and away.

Where is Victor the policeman?

Ha ha! He's gone round to check the back door.

An example of good luck and bad luck, equally balanced.

Victor returns to the front steps and keeps waiting. The frog can't stay in the cathedral forever. What will she eat?

It occurs to him that there may be flies in the cathedral. 

The doors are open and flies might fly in.

He is thinking about checking this theory when Arthur returns from the café.

Still here? says Arthur. 

Yes, says Victor. 

Want me to see what she's doing? asks Arthur.

Please do, says Victor

Arthur goes in and comes out again.

Gone, says Arthur. Baby Pierre came to get her. He brought her a bike.

Curses! says Victor. This must have happened when I went round to check the back door.

So it's not your fault, says Arthur.

I am under-resourced, says Victor.

Obviously, says Arthur. And the good news is they're heading for Spain.

Spain? says Victor brightening up. 

Not his jurisdiction.

Drink? asks Arthur. 

I'm on duty, says Victor. But I could do with a coffee.

They head back to the café where Nicolo is waiting.

What do frogs eat? asks Victor.

Flies, insects, worms, says Arthur.

Victor wonders if there are worms lurking in the cathedral.

In the woodwork, and relics...

Stop, Victor, that's creepy.

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