Thursday, August 29, 2024

Smooth As Grapes

Stage twelve of the Vuelta.

Hilly, with a summit finish on Montana Manzoneda.

Baby Pierre has shot off on his own.

The Kroombit tinker is sticking with Pablo.

That was good last night, says the tinker. Meeting your team mates.

They enjoyed meeting you too, says Pablo. 

It's funny that they're all called Pablo, says the tinker.

I suppose it is, says Pablo. And they're not the only Pablos.

There are more Pablos? asks the tinker.

Yes, says Pablo. There goes one now.

He points to a rider who is currently passing.

Hey Pablo! says Pablo.

Hey Pablo! says the other Pablo, who is not a team mate of Pablo, but is a Pablo.

The other Pablo speeds up and disappears over the top of a hilly section.

Pablo Castillo, says Pablo. Spanish. 

He might win today, says the Krombit tinker. He looks really fast.

Everyone looks really fast sometimes, says Pablo. Even me. The trick is to keep out of the red zone.

What's the red zone? asks the tinker.

When you're in it you know, says Pablo.

The tinker wonders if Baby Pierre ever goes into the red zone. 

Richard Carapaz pedals by.

Still mad about yesterday? asks Pablo.

Carapaz doesn't answer. He pedals away.

The pelaton blocked him, says Pablo.

How rude! says the tinker.

Pablo laughs, and takes a power bar from the pocket of his jersey.

Who gives you snacks? asks the tinker.

No one, says Pablo. I load up beforehand.

Belle gave us snacks, says the tinker.

Dear Belle, says Pablo. If only she were here.

She could have the endless necklace, says the tinker. 

For her white hands, says Pablo.

I thought it was a necklace, says the tinker,

Smooth as grapes, says Pablo.

It's clear he has entered a poetic reverie.

The tinker speeds up, leaving Pablo behind with his snack. 

She passes several riders. The roads are bumpy.

She catches up with Baby Pierre on the Montana Manzaneda.

Guess what? says Baby Pierre. Ever heard of Pablo Castillo?

Actually yes, says the tinker.

He just won the stage, in a surprise breakaway, says Baby Pierre.

How do you know? asks the tinker.

I was there, says Baby Pierre. I came back to tell you.

You're such a pain, says the tinker.

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