Thursday, August 8, 2024

Holey Toes

Come out of the tube for a minute, says Sweetpea.

The Kroombit tinker comes out of the tube.

What's a fungus? asks Sweetpea.

You don't want to know, says the tinker.

I do want to know, says Sweetpea. Have a look at my toes.

The Kroombit tinker looks at his toes.

Nice baby toes, says the Kroombit tinker. What about them?

Holes! says Sweetpea.

Ha ha! Holey toes. I can't see them, says the tinker.

Look harder, says Sweetpea.

Oh, yes, says the tinker. 

Will I die? asks Sweetpea.

Not you, says the tinker.

Nicolo's mother died, says Sweetpea.

But not of toe fungus, says the tinker. 

What about cheese fungus? asks Sweetpea.

Probably not of that either, says the Kroombit tinker. And I wasn't that worried. It's just that we frogs are susceptible. 

Am I? asks Sweetpea.

No, says the Kroombit tinker. But if you're concerned, why don't you ask Arthur.

Okay, says Sweetpea.

He stands up in his seat and taps Arthur on the shoulder.

What? says Arthur.

I've got fungus, says Sweetpea. From eating the goat's cheese.

Show me, says Arthur. 

Sweetpea jumps down. But how will he show his fungus to Arthur?

Swap seats with Nicolo, says Arthur.

Sweetpea and Nicolo swap seats.

Sweetpea lifts up his legs and shows his toes to Arthur..

That's not fungus, says Arthur. That's goat's cheese.

How did it get there? asks Sweetpea. And why is it holey?

It isn't, says Arthur. It's a soft cheese, and the holes are where the cheese isn't.

Phew! What a relief for Sweetpea.

I'll scrape it off for you, says Arthur.

He takes his cheese knife out of his pocket.

The cheese knife he used to cut up the goat's cheese.

The goat's cheese on the cheese knife has hardened. 

Bits of fluff are stuck to it. And an old grey feather.

Maybe not, says Arthur. That could make it worse.

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