Monday, August 26, 2024

Longing Regret Grief Boredom

Today is a rest day, in Viga.

Pablo is spending the day at the beach.

With him are Baby Pierre and the Kroombit tinker.

They sit under a red umbrella, on the Praia de Samil.

The Kroombit tinker is keeping an eye out for flies.

Baby Pierre is telling Pablo about his best poem.

O road O road, long and wide, says Baby Pierre. O moon O moon, round and green.

That's a good one, says Pablo. You should think about entering the poetry competition.

What about me? asks the tinker.

You too, says Pablo.

What would my poem be about? asks the tinker.

It seems you're a beginner, says Pablo. That doesn't matter. Some of the others are too.

He points to Ben O'Connor, who is paddling nearby.

And Primoz Roglic, who is some distance away drawing a red fox in the sand with his finger.

The tinker catches a fly.

Bravo! says Pablo.

I suppose I should poemize what I know, says the tinker. How about O fly O fly, fast and tasty, O fly O fly.

Is that it? asks Baby Pierre. 

Yes, says the tinker.

The second line should be different, and longer, says Baby Pierre.  Like, O fly O fly, fast and tasty, O tummy O tummy, fat and full.

Ha ha! laughs Pablo. 

But the tinker is miffed.

Ben O'Connor comes over.

Hey, says Ben O'Connor. Working on your poem?

Was, says Pablo. But right now I'm helping these guys.

Baby Pierre! says Ben O'Connor. He doesn't need help with anything.

No I don't, says Baby Pierre. 

I do, says the Kroombit tinker. I've only got my first line. 

And your second line, says Baby Pierre.

I'm not using that line, says the tinker.

What was it? asks Ben O'Connor. Maybe I could use it.

O tummy O tummy, fat and full, says the tinker.

That's terrible, says Ben O'Connor. But at least you've got started. I haven't.

Want a suggestion? asks Pablo.

Yeah, says Ben O'Connor.

Use nature as a metaphor for something you're feeling, says Pablo. Like clouds, or a wave on the ocean.

What am I feeling? says Ben O'Connor.

Longing, regret, grief, boredom, suggests Pablo.

Shit no, says Ben O'Connor.

Speed, dodging, risking, suggests Baby Pierre.

Fly! says the Kroombit tinker.

Which is not a suggestion. 

It's just that she's seen one.

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