Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Banyoos And Goonyoos

Nicolo is waiting, in Caffe Gilli.

Arthur and Victor come in.

Where's the frog? asks Nicolo. 

Escaped, with Baby Pierre, says Arthur.

Is that a problem? asks Nicolo.

No, says Victor. It's now Spain's problem.

Already? says Nicolo.

They ride fast, says Arthur.

That's what I'm thinking, says Victor. 

Coffee? asks Nicolo. It's good here. And the cakes are delicious.

Victor looks at the cakes other people are having.

They are small and super-fancy. 

I might try that one with the carrot on top, says Victor.

Carrot? says Arthur. 

That's a strawberry, says Nicolo. Often confused with a carrot, by policemen.

Ha ha! laughs Victor. A small error.

Nicolo orders three cakes.

A cuore di Amalfi, a delizia al cioccolata and a torta Gilli.

Plus three coffees with cream.

This is the life, says Victor. You chaps are lucky.

Not that lucky, says Arthur.

No, says Nicolo, These cakes are seven euro each.

And I'm not looking forward to explaining the Kroombit tinker's disappearance to Gaius, says Arthur,

So we all have our problems, says Victor, tucking into his cake.

His cake is the cuore di Amalfi, with the carrot (which isn't a carrot)

Lemon yellow base, decorated with sugar-dusted raspberries, topped by the strawberry.

Close up, you can see it's a strawberry.

Actually, only half a strawberry.

Victor takes a bite. Mmm. Good choice of a strawberry. A carrot would have spoiled it.

Nicolo is advising Arthur to phone Gaius.

Arthur decides to bite the bullet.

He calls Gaius.

Arthur? says Gaius.

Banyoos, says Arthur

What are banyoos? asks Gaius.

My mouth's full of cake, says Arthur.

What kind of cake? asks Gaius.

A delizia ciccolata, says Arthur. Chocolate base topped with a chocolate and a twist of different chocolate on top of that.

Sounds nice, says Gaius. I assume you're celebrating the recovery of the Kroombit tinker.

There's bad news, says Arthur.

Oh! says Gaius. Bad news. I thought you said banyoos. What is it? 

Baby Pierre turned up with a spare bicycle and they're heading for Spain, says Arthur.

This is all my fault, says Gaius. 

It is? How? 

But Arthur feels better already.

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