Saturday, August 17, 2024

Do The Finger

I suppose you'll be going now, says the Madonna.

Victor considers taking things further.

But it's her floor. And she doesn't seem bothered.

No further questions, says Victor. 

Have a good day, says the Madonna.

Thank you, says Victor. You too.

I shall, says the Madonna.

Victor goes out to the cathedral steps. 

And waits.

Thank you for bringing Sweetpea home safely, says the Madonna.

A pleasure, says Nicolo. Sorry about his red nose.

It looks festive, says the Madonna.

And the goat's cheese, says Arthur.

Hmm, says the Madonna.

Time to go.

Can I have my confession? asks the Kroombit tinker.

Do I still have it? asks the Madonna. 

She feels in her voluminous pockets.

Oh yes, here.

Thank you, says the tinker. Good bye, nice lady, and goodbye Sweetpea.

Sweetpea gives the Kroombit tinker the finger.

The tinker isn't insulted. She now knows it's meant to be nice.

Arthur, Nicolo and the Kroombit tinker turn and leave the cathedral.

Outside on the steps Victor is waiting.

Two things, says Victor. One, I need to eyeball that confession. 

No you don't, says the tinker. It's private,

I'll be the judge of that, says Victor.

What's two? asks Arthur. 

I have reason to believe that this frog is not where she should be, says Victor.

We all do, says Arthur. That's why I'm taking her back to Gaius, who's taking her home.

Her presence in Florence is illegal, says Victor.

So? says Arthur.

He wants to detain her, says Nicolo.

I must detain her, says Victor. Until this is sorted.

He attempts to seize the Kroombit tinker

The Kroombit tinker escapes his grasp, hopping back up the steps and into the cathedral.

Good move, says Nicolo.

It will turn out to be. 

She hops up the central nave.

The Madonna is wiping Sweetpea's nose with a rose-scented hankie.

You're back! says the Madonna.

I claim sanctuary! says the Kroombit tinker.

What fun! says the Madonna. You're the first frog to do it.

Sit next to me! says Sweetpea.

The tinker hops up and sits between Sweetpea and the Madonna.

Do the finger! says Sweetpea. 

The tinker sticks up four webbed fingers.

That'll show them, says the Madonna.

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