Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Fear Of Fungus.

Arthur, who has a knife, makes a few airholes in the empty Pringles tube. 

The ticket inspector looms up.

No knives permitted on the train, says the ticket inspector.

It's for cheese, says Arthur.

Then where is the cheese? asks the ticket inspector.

He's making airholes in the Pringles tube at my suggestion, says Ursula.

Is he? asks the ticket inspector. 

I am, says Arthur. It's going to be our frog's container.

Which you insisted we should keep the frog in, says Nicolo. So it's at your instigation, the knife.

I shall stay until you have made all the airholes, says the inspector. Then I'll take charge of the knife.

Fine, says Arthur. 

He continues making airholes with the knife.

Is there an exception for cheese knives? asks Bertha.

Not really, says the ticket inspector.

Because I have some cheese, says Bertha.

Go and get it, says Ursula.

Bertha goes back to her seat to look for the cheese.

That's enough airholes, says the Kroombit tinker. You'll weaken the sides of the tube.

Arthur stops stabbing.

Get in, says Sweetpea.

The Kroombit tinker hops inside.

Can you see us? asks Sweetpea.

No, says the tinker.

Put your eye up close to an airhole, says Sweetpea. 

I can see you, says the Kroombit tinker.

What am I doing? asks Sweetpea.

Giving me the finger, says the tinker. That's not very nice.

It's supposed to be nice, says Sweetpea. 

Bertha comes back with the cheese.

It's goat's cheese, says Bertha. Who'd like to try it?

Me, says Sweetpea. Can I? 

You might turn into a goat, says the Kroombit tinker, through an airhole.

What's this about? asks the ticket inpector, intrigued in spite of the fact that he ought to get on with the job.

He's super sensitive, says Arthur. See his red nose? A red drink did that.

I can sympathise, says the ticket inspector.

Bertha unwraps the cheese, releasing a pungent aroma.

Arthur cuts the cheese into six equal pieces.

Ursula takes one, Bertha takes one, Nicolo takes one, the ticket inspector takes one, Arthur takes one, leaving one piece of goat's cheese.

Is that mine? asks Sweetpea.

Half for you, half for the Kroombit tinker, says Arthur.

Frogs don't eat cheese, says the tinker, through an airhole. It gives them a fungus.

Sweetpea grabs the last piece of goat's cheese and eats the whole thing.

It can't give HIM a fungus.

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