Monday, August 12, 2024

Joyful Moment

Are we there yet? asks Sweetpea.

Almost, says Nicolo.

How am I looking? asks Sweetpea.

Your nose is still red, says Nicolo.

Your toes look okay, says Arthur.

And you didn't turn yellow or salty, says the Kroombit tinker.

Or bent in the middle. says Sweetpea.

You are bent in the middle, says the Kroombit tinker.

But not like a Pringle, says Sweetpea.

That depends, says the Kroombit tinker.

What on? asks Sweetpea.

On which way up it is, says the Kroombit tinker.

Don't worry about that, says Nicolo. Concentrate on your nose.

I am, says Sweetpea. 

He concentrates on his nose.

Ommmm! Nose, go back to normal......

Omm? says the tinker.

The train arrives at Firenze Central Station. 

Time to get off.

Coming with us? asks Nicolo.

Sure, says Arthur. We may as well see Sweetpea home.

They head for the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, Sweetpea's home.

It's a short walk from the station.

They stop at the entrance.

Sweetpea can see the Madonna at the far end.

He runs towards her.

Sweetpea! says the Madonna. You're back! What's that on your nose?

I had a red drink, says Sweetpea.

It will fade, says the Madonna. Did you have a nice time?

Everything happened! says Sweetpea. Terence's frog team died.

Except for me, says the Kroombit tinker.

Except for her, says Sweetpea. And she won the time trial, but nobody timed her.

Well done, frog, says the Madonna. It's what happens that matters. Not the recording.

But sometimes, says the Kroombit tinker, it helps to have a written confession.

The Madonna raises an eyebrow.

There was some controversy over the deaths of the pobblebonks, says Nicolo.

Who was responsible? asks the Madonna.

Would you like to read the confession? asks Nicolo.

I would, says the Madonna, but I don't have my glasses. Sweetpea, go and get them They're in that box over there.

Sweetpea brings her the glasses.

She reads the confession.

You confess to an accident? asks the Madonna.

Yes, says Nicolo. The aim is to exonerate both myself and the frog. 

By saying 'These things happen'? says the Madonna.

She clicks her tongue, but decides not to pursue it.

After all, it's a joyful moment.

Her Sweetpea is back.


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