Tuesday, August 27, 2024

O Hay Today Is The Day

Stage 10 of the Vuelta. Baby Pierre is excited.

Cat 2, cat 3, cat 2 and cat 1, says Baby Pierre. Can you do it?

Yes, says the Kroombit tinker. Tummy fat and full.

That's my line, says Baby Pierre. I thought you didn't like it.

I like it, says the Kroombit tinker, but only as a saying. Not for a poem.

Don't think about your poem, says Baby Pierre. Let's get going!

They zoom off to do maximum damage.

Pablo works his way up the first mountain.

He is passed by Wout van Aert, who looks perky.

Hola, Wout! says Pablo. You look perky.

Today's the day, says Wout van Aert.

Today's always the day, says Pablo.

What? Oh yeah, says Wout van Aert.

Have you... begins Pablo. 

But Wout van Aert is not stopping to chat with Pablo.

Today is the day.

Wout van Aert keeps on climbing. 

He avoids Baby Pierre, who has stopped to do wheelies.

The Kroombit tinker is watching.

Aren't we trying? asks the tinker.

We're always trying, says Baby Pierre

The tinker thinks this is a good line for her poem.

I'm always trying. O hay!

She really likes the O hay! It just came to her. 

She can't wait to tell Pablo.

Pablo is now coasting down the third mountain, watching the clouds.

Clouds waving like white handkerchiefs.

Clouds do that sometimes.

But O hay!

What else is happening?

A breakaway has formed.

And now a breakaway has formed from the breakaway.

Only Wout van Aert and Quentin Pacher. are in it.

Wout van Aert wins by three seconds!

 So today was the day.

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