Friday, August 30, 2024

Si Po

A brutal mountain stage, finishing at the summit of Puerto de Ancerel.

Who'll have the best legs today?

It won't be Pablo.

He has been caught up by one of his team mates from Los Chilenos.

What is it? asks Pablo.

About Baby Pierre, says the team mate. 

Not my problem, says Pablo.

He's everyone's problem, says the team mate. He's driving us nuts.

He always does, says Pablo. But he's his own pebble.

Isn't he with the Kroombit tinker? asks the team mate. The one we had dinner with.

Yes, says Pablo. They're a team.

And she's latched onto you, says the team mate.

She asked me to help with her poem, says Pablo.

That's cheating, says the team mate.

O hay! I'm always trying, says Pablo.

Is that her poem? asks the team mate.

Pablo nods. It's her first line.

Did you come up with it? asks the team mate. 

No, but I said it was good, says Pablo. It's not cheating to help a beginner.

Fine, says the team mate. So she owes you. Get her to rein in Baby Pierre's bad behaviour.

Si po, says Pablo.

The team mate rides away, up an incline.

Pablo slows down. 

He is waiting for the tinker.

Here she comes now.

Phew! says the tinker. I think I'm in the red zone.

What you need is a fly, says Pablo.

Yes! says the tinker. I haven't eaten!

Pablo and the tinker stop at the side of the road to wait for a fly.

One comes, eventually.

The tinker catches it, eats it and comes out of the red zone.

They speed off together, up, down, up, down, and finally up the Puerto de Ancerel.

Baby Pierre is there waiting.

You missed it! says Baby Pierre.

What happened? asks the tinker.

I didn't win, says Baby Pierre.

Who did? asks Pablo.

Michael Woods, says Baby Pierre. 

Ben O'Connor is standing nearby.

How'd you go? asks Pablo.

Sad day, says Ben O'Connor. Pretty cooked. Lost half my advantage. Still in red though. You?

Helped a frog catch a fly, says Pablo.

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