Saturday, August 10, 2024

Sentimental Feather

Can I have your feather? asks Sweetpea.

What feather? says Arthur.

The one stuck to your knife, says Sweetpea.

What for? asks Arthur.

To help me, says Sweetpea.

Okay, says Arthur. 

He takes the cheese knife out of his pocket and detaches the feather.

Here, says Arthur. But I'm expecting it back.

Sure, says Sweetpea.

Why do you want it back? asks Nicolo.

I keep it in my pocket, says Arthur.

Sentimental reasons? asks Nicolo.

Ask the feather, says Arthur. It follows me around.

Nicolo laughs. 

A feather with sentimental reasons. Ha ha! 

Sweetpea waves the feather at the Kroombit tinker.

Now what? asks Sweetpea.

There are one or two things we can try, says the tinker. Give me the feather.

Sweetpea gives her the feather.

Arms up, says the tinker. And start hopping

Sweetpea suspects something. 

Is the tinker going to tickle him with the feather?

And then what? He will wriggle and squirm. 

And probably get hotter. And the cheese will slide off.

But he hates being tickled.

I see that you're hestitant, says the tinker. Don't you like tickles?

Can we try something else first? asks Sweetpea.

Okay, says the tinker. But it would be good if the cheese had got softer.

Just one tickle then, says Sweetpea.

He resumes his hopping dance, with arms up.

He is expecting one tickle.

Hop-hop. Which under-arm will she tickle?

Hop-hop. And when will she do it? 

The Kroombit tinker has hopped behind him, with the feather.

Hop-hop. Where is she now?

Suddenly an exquisite tickling occurs at the back of his knees.

Hop-hop. Hee-hee!

The Kroombit tinker has cheated!

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