Saturday, August 31, 2024

Reckless Speeder

Stage fourteen already.

The longest stage. Villafranca to Villablina.

I'm going to win this, says Baby Pierre to the tinker.

What's the point? asks the tinker.

Winning is the point, says Baby Pierre.

But what if you don't get acknowledged? says the tinker.

That's NOT the point, says Baby Pierre. Keep up or I'll drop you.

The Kroombit tinker keeps up.

Do you ever go into the red zone? asks the tinker.

No, says Baby Pierre. That's the beauty of me.

Did you know that one of the Los Chilenos asked Pablo to ask me to rein you in, as a favour? asks the tinker.

Hee hee! laughs Baby Pierre. What did he say?

I just told you, says the tinker.

I mean Pablo, says Baby Pierre.

They're both called Pablo, says the tinker.

She is beginning to puff, and it's not the last climb.

He said he'd ask me, says the tinker. 

And what did you say? asks Baby Pierre. 

O hay! I'm always trying, says the tinker.

Baby Pierre thinks he may have  heard that before, but when was it?

Ping! He remembers.

That's your poem, says Baby Pierre.

Yes, says the tinker. Pablo says its a good one.

It's way too short, says Baby Pierre.

It's not finished, says the tinker. I thought I might put you in it.

How? asks Baby Pierre

O hay! I'm always trying 

To rein in my leader,

A reckless speeder, says the tinker.

It needs more syllables, says Baby Pierre. 

He speeds up again and the tinker tries to follow.

But she can't.

Baby Pierre whizzes up the last mountain. And zooms down to the finish.

But boo! The tinker has stopped him from winning! 

It's already over.

Kaden Groves has won, from a bunch sprint finish.

Ben O'Connor has retained the red jersey.

And Primoz Roglic has finished on a team mate's bike, after a mechanical scare.

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