Monday, August 19, 2024

He's Thought Of Everything

Baby Pierre! cries the Kroombit tinker. How did you get here?

I caught the fast train, says Baby Pierre.

The visitors, who had been down on their knees in case this was a miracle, get up again.

They look at one another.

This is no miracle. Perhaps it was the pizza ai funghi they had for lunch.

One can't always trust mushrooms.

They wander off to look at the portrait of Dante.

So you're Baby Pierre, says the Madonna. I know about you.

Woop! says Baby Pierre.

I know you are an atheist and free thinker, says the Madonna.

How? asks Baby Pierre.

I told her, says Sweetpea. I told her ALL about you.

How can you be both? asks the Madonna.

Everyone asks me that, says Baby Pierre.

What do you understand by a free thinker? asks the Madonna.

Myself, says Baby Pierre. 

Good answer, says the Madonna, but what about the other thing?

Yes, says Baby Pierre. I'm here to rescue the Kroombit tinker.

That wasn't the other thing the Madonna had meant, but it is more important.

That's good of you, says the Madonna.

Will you take her away on your bicycle? asks Sweetpea.

I've brought a spare, says Baby Pierre. I've thought of everything.

Where is it? asks the Kroombit tinker. And where will we escape to?

Baby Pierre opens his back pack and pulls out a small flatpack. He opens it, and quickly assembles a tiny bicycle, with green o-wheels.

To Spain, says Baby Pierre. We're going in the Vuelta.

I believe it's already started, says the Madonna.

We'll soon catch up. says Baby Pierre. Come down, Kroomy. 

The Kroombit tinker hops down and onto the tiny bicycle.

Have you got your confession? asks the Madonna.

No, says the Kroombit tinker. Where did I put it?

You were sitting on it, says the Madonna. Would you like me to fold it?

Yes please, says the tinker.

The Madonna folds it into a jet shape, and launches it down.

The paper confession lands in Baby Pierre's open back pack.

Sweetpea claps.

The Madonna looks pleased with herself.

It's nice when your infant applauds you.

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