Friday, June 14, 2024

Plaintive Harmonies

They've all gone! says Nerida. Even Katherine!

There must be some explanation, says Gaius.

Nerida looks for a note, and finds one.

'Gone to Gladstone for takeaway, back in three hours'.

Does it mention from when? asks Gaius.

No, says Nerida. It just says three hours. The takeaway will be cold by the time we get it.

Assuming we get it, says Gaius.

I'm sure we'll get it, says Nerida. And it must be less than three hours away.

Meanwhile let us console ourselves with an apple, says Gaius. How fortunate that the supplies are in Arthur's tent and not in the vehicle.

Yes, agrees Nerida.

She goes to Arthur's tent.

'Help me!' says a faint voice from behind the apples.

Ooh! says Nerida. Who's that?

Me, says Greedy. 

Greedy! says Nerida. Are you okay?

Not really, says Greedy. Three of my fingers are trapped under the apples.

Nerida lifts up the bag, and frees Greedy.

Why didn't you call out before? asks Nerida.

You were all singing, says Greedy.

What about when Arthur came in to get apples? says Nerida. Didn't you call out then?

No, says Greedy. By then I had probably fainted.

When did you come to your senses? asks Nerida. 

When I heard the vehicle drive off, says Greedy. It was loud. The ground shook.

Gosh, says Nerida. I don't suppose you happened to notice what time it was?

Let me think, says Greedy. What time is it now?

Half past six, says Nerida.

It was half past five, in that case, says Greedy. 

Great, says Nerida. They'll be back in two hours with the takeaway.

So who's here? asks Greedy. Just you?

Gaius and me, and the Kroombit tinker, says Nerida.

A small group, says Greedy. How about we have our own singalong?

Gaius is writing his notes, says Nerida. And I'm helping. 

I could help too, says Greedy.

Come on then, says Nerida.

She takes two apples and Greedy to where Gaius is rummaging in his back pack, watched by the Kroombit tinker.

Lost your pencil? asks Nerida. 

No. Found it! says Gaius. 

He takes an apple.

Ah! I see you found Greedy!

Yes, says Greedy. I was in Arthur's tent, under the apples.

Her fingers were trapped, says Nerida.

How unfortunate, says Gaius. 

The others left at five thirty, says Greedy. 

So, two hours to go, says Gaius. Plenty of time to get these notes into some sort of order.

Okay, says Nerida. Greedy, you sit here with the tinker.

She puts Greedy down, next to the tinker.

Soon the air is filled with the plaintive harmonies of The Long and Winding Road.

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