Wednesday, June 5, 2024

A Persuasive Manner

Someone does have a plan, says Vello.

What is it? asks Sweezus.

Young Terence, says Vello. 

No way! says Sweezus. He's in Queensland.

Nonetheless, says Vello. He has come up with one. And it involves you.

Yeah? says Sweezus. Are there any more of those donuts?

I'll see, says Belle.

Okay, yeah, what's the plan? asks Sweezus.

A team of frogs, says Vello. Terence is training them. Your job is to convince Baby Pierre that he needs them.

Lucky Sweezus isn't eating a donut right now. It would have gone down the wrong way.

Scheisse! says Sweezus. 

As a fellow team captain, with a persuasive manner, says Vello.

Me? says Sweezus. I don't have a persuasive manner.

Belle comes back into the office with the last chocolate donut.

Here you are, Sweezie, says Belle. Last one.

He eats it thoughtfully.

Maybe he does have a persuasive manner. He did get the last donut.

Okay I'll give it a whirl, says Sweezus. Next time I see him.

Great, says Vello. Was that really the last donut?

Yes it was, says Belle.


Meanwhile in Kroombit Tops, Terence is trying to ease his frog team out of the springwater bottle. 

Help us! cries the first frog. Our gills have stopped working!

I am! says Terence. Get the others to push you.

He holds the bottle upside down as the last of the water drains out.

The first frog sucks in his stomach. The other two push his back end from behind.

Plop! He is out. Now for the others.

The second frog plops out the same way.

But the last frog has no one behind him.

One of you has to go back in, says Terence.

Never! say the first two. They start hopping about testing their legs and their airways. Bonk-bonk! It's so good with no tail!

The third frog peers out of the opening sadly.

Terence goes to find Gaius.

He always knows what to do.

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