Monday, June 10, 2024

Never Disappointed

Gaius is still interviewing the Kroombit tinker.

What's next for your cohort? asks Gaius.

We intermingle, says the Kroombit tinker. At least we're supposed to.

But you are reluctant, I know, says Gaius. 

When I remember the pobblebonk, I wonder what the point is, says the Kroombit tinker.

How so? asks Gaius.

Disposing of his three best children, says the Kroombit tinker.

That was a particular example, says Gaius. The pobblebonk wished to show he was thankful.

I know, says the Kroombit tinker. But will his three best children be thankful?

There's a good chance, says Gaius.

Going from a remote creek at Kroombit tops to be racing in Paris, says the Kroombit tinker. They'll have high expectations. They are bound to be disappointed.

Not so, says Gaius. Team Philosophe has never won, and yet never felt disappointed.

You are distinguished philosophers, says the Kroombit tinker. These are naive young frogs.

Arthur comes up with an apple.

Is that apple for me? asks Gaius.

Could be, says Arthur. I've already had one.

Good man, says Gaius, taking the apple, which he fails to notice Arthur has taken a bite from.

The Kroombit tinker fears that the pobblebbonk team may be disappointed in Paris, says Gaius.

Not Paris, says Arthur.

What do you mean, not Paris? asks Gaius.

Tour's finishing in Nice this year, says Arthur. 

You surprise me! says Gaius. Why is that?

Olympic Games are in Paris, says Arthur. 

I must think about getting back, says Gaius. I seem to be out of the loop here.

Yes, says Arthur. We should leave tomorrow morning, fly back to Adelaide and start making travel plans for Florence.

Florence! says Gaius. 

Where we start from, says Arthur.

Florence! says the Kroombit tinker. I've  always longed to go there.

You should come, says Arthur.

You should not. It would be illegal, says Gaius.

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