Saturday, May 4, 2013

Constructive Criticism From An Old Fossil

Gaius unlocks his front door, and heads to the kitchen. He places the portable saltwater aquarium on the draining board, and turns towards Ageless.

Look after the Twitcher, says Gaius. I have washing to do, and tickets to book.

Lift me up then, says Ageless.

But Gaius has gone into the laundry.

Hey! calls  Ageless. Hey, Twitcher!

Twitcher rises to the surface of the water.

Did I hear my brother? says Twitcher. Where is he?

Who is your brother? says Kobo, from the window sill.

Oops! says the Twitcher. Who are you? Oh! You must be the beauteous Kobo. Huh! Huh!

Let me guess who your brother is, says Kobo. Ageless, is that you down there?

Yes my love, it is I, says Ageless. I need something to climb up.

Hopeless, says Kobo. Get a chair.

Ageless drags a chair to the cupboard, and inches his way up to the sink.

Now, says Kobo. Where have you been?

Wallaroo, says Ageless. And would you believe it, they didn't invite me. I only found out because they left Baby Pierre on the bus.

On the bus! says Kobo. Is he alright?

Of course he's alright, my sweetness, says Ageless. Here he is now.

Baby Pierre! says Kobo. Who left you behind on the bus?

Bunny, says Baby Pierre.

The one with the book? says Kobo. Then it seems that she learned nothing from it. And how was the trip otherwise?

Successful, says Ageless. We got a free trip to Turkey, thanks to the Twitcher. I am his minder.

Twitcher! says Kobo. What a name.

I'm a Giant Australian Cuttlefish, says Twitcher. Endangered and needing a mate. Not you though. I'll leave you to Ageless. Huh! huh!

How rude you are, Twitcher, says Kobo. A cuttlefish eh? Up yourself, like you all are. Changing colour willy nilly and shimmying about. How soon are you leaving?

Twitcher starts to blub.

Stop blubbing! What's the matter? says Kobo. Can't stand a bit of constructive criticism from an old fossil?

Ageless can't understand it. Why is Kobo in such a bad mood?

And her criticism wasn't constructive. What made her say that?

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