Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Mystery Of The Convenient Snail

The Twitcher is removed to the sick bay, against his will.

There he is tested for radiation and found not to be radioactive.

Nevertheless, in the interests of passenger harmony, the crew keep him there.

Ageless gets out of his seat and ambles down to the sick bay, to visit his friend.

Aah, look, says the flight attendant. Here comes that lobster. So cute. He wants to visit his friend. Hello lobster. Would you like a lift up?

Ageless takes off his red knitted hat, and bows to the flight attendant.

Please, says Ageless. Lift me up.

Hello bro, says the Twitcher, rising to the surface of his portable saltwater aquarium. Nice hat.

It comes in useful, says Ageless. Let me know if you want to escape.

It's alright here, says the Twitcher. They gave me a snail.

Where did they get it? enquires Ageless. I hear there are no molluscs on board.

Beats me, says the Twitcher. Ask no questions, I always say. I'm going to nap for a while now. Nighty night.

He sinks down to the bottom of the aquarium. Ageless goes back to his seat.

Hello Ageless, says Katherine. Hows the Twitcher?

He's happy, says Ageless. They gave him a snail.

How convenient, says Katherine, turning a page of her novel.

A snail! says Gaius, overhearing. Where did they get it, this snail?

Twitcher doesn't know, says Ageless. But he ate it, and now he's going to sleep.

Well, I should like to know how a snail can be produced on a plane, says Gaius. Arthur!

Arthur stops eating Bunny's sunflower seeds and turns around.

Arthur, says Gaius. I have a task for you. A little investigation is required. Find the source of the snail.

Arthur gets up and walks down the aisle to the sick bay.

He is glad to have something to do.

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