Saturday, May 25, 2013

Great Personal Sacrifice

The female Mediterranean cuttlefish are impressed by the size of the Twitcher.

What's your name, handsome? asks the first one.

Sepia Apamis, says the Twitcher.

AKA Twitcher, says Ageless.

Twitcher, hot name! says the second one. And how long are you here?

A week! says Ageless. So am I.

Then what? asks the first one.

I'm  being couriered to Kas, says the Twitcher. To meet up with the love of my life.

Oh? says the first female cuttlefish. Have you already met?

Not exactly, says the Twitcher. But I saw her picture on an internet site, and fell for her instantly.

The two female Mediterranean cuttlefish nod sagely.

You want to watch out for those internet sites, says the second.

You wouldn't want to get screwed, says the first.

Exactly, says the second, brushing the Twitcher with her longest tentacle.

Oooh, says the Twitcher. Don't do that. It tickles.

Come for a swim, says the first.

Come! says the second.

The Twitcher starts twitching, in a different way from the usual.

Ageless has had a gutful.

He raps on the side of the temporary aquarium.

Rap! Rap!

An attendant comes up.

What is it? asks the attendant.

Get me out of here, says Ageless. This is not my milieu.

I quite see that, says the attendant. You are no cuttlefish. I can't understand how this happened.

It is a long story, says Ageless. It involves great personal sacrifice on my part. But there are limits.

I shall ask Jamila, says the attendant. I'm sure we can relocate you.

Good man, says Ageless. What's your name?

Farid, says Farid.

Take me with you, Farid, says Ageless. I'm not staying here. It's degrading.

Alright, says Farid. Come. He extricates Ageless, dripping, from the aquarium.

Bye bye Twitcher, says Ageless softly. You made your bed. Now you're done for.

The Twitcher is otherwise occupied. He knows he is not done for yet.

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