Thursday, May 9, 2013

Trouble At The Airport Scanner

They meet at the airport, and eye one another's luggage.

Gaius is carrying a briefcase and the Twitcher, in his portable home.

Mrs Hume is trundling an enormous blue suitcase on wheels.

Bunny has a backpack, a tin of sunflower seeds, and a wallet that bulges with notes.

Arthur has a passport and a shoe horn.

Ageless is wearing a red knitted hat.

Lavender and Baby Pierre are both carrying tiny notebooks.

It's time to go through the scanner.

I'm not going through there, says the Twitcher.

You must, says Gaius. It's mandatory.

No! says the Twitcher. I won't go. I might get irradiated.

As if that would matter, says Ageless.

It's quite harmless, says Gaius. And to prove it, look, my sandwich is going through now.

I am no sandwich, says the Twitcher.

The point is, says Gaius, I shall be eating it later. It amounts to the same thing. The radiation, if there is any, will end up inside me. And yet I'm not worried at all.

Alright, says the Twitcher. I'll go through. But speaking of sandwiches, what's to eat? I've had nothing for days.

Good heavens, says Gaius. How remiss of me! I haven't brought anything. What do cuttlefish eat? I should know......

We eat crabs, and molluscs and worms, says the Twitcher. And sometimes we eat other cuttlefish.

That's DISGUSTING! says Lavender. That's why you were the last one alive in the death box!

Yes, says the Twitcher. So what?

Lavender writes something in her notebook, and looks prim.

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