Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Benefits Of Lying

Arthur and Bunny are now on the Varan, heading for Kas.

It is sunny and the scenery is Turkish.

Arthur is in a better mood now.

Bunny has listed some of the things they can do.

Kayaking, canoeing, jet skiing, diving, paragliding, swimming and snorkelling, says Bunny. Won't it be cool!

Yes I suppose so, says Arthur.

Bunny is encouraged.

We can kayak over a sunken city, says Bunny. How brilliant is that?

Mmm. That is kind of brilliant, says Arthur.

Bunny smiles at her reflection in the lid of the sunflower seed tin.


Meanwhile Gaius and Katherine are on another bus, heading for Pamukkale. It will be a long trip.

How long is it? asks Katherine.

Ten hours, says Gaius. What's the matter? Have you finished your book?

The Purple Cloud? says Katherine. Yes I have.

Ah yes, The Purple Cloud. says Gaius. Did Adam kill Leda?

Weren't you listening? says Katherine. I was reading aloud.

I wasn't listening, says Gaius. I was reading my notes. Don't tell me, if you don't want to.

He DIDN'T! cries Lavender, unable to contain herself any longer. Because of ... GUESS WHAT!

What? says Gaius.

Because Leda tells Adam another Purple Cloud is coming, says Lavender. And he thinks they'll both die really soon. So he comes to her in a boat. And they get married. And after that it's too late. She's going to have a baby.

But what about the Purple Cloud? says Gaius, mildly interested. Won't they all die anyway?

Aha, says Katherine, that's just it. We don't know if Leda has lied, to get her own way.

The logic of this escapes Gaius. He turns back to his notes.

It was the best ending in the world, says Lavender.

Katherine smiles, and takes a new book out of her handbag.


Back in Dubai, Ageless takes stock of his situation.

Bunny won't help him. Gaius won't help him. Doctor Moussalli, Farid and Jamila only care about the Twitcher. And he's lost his red knitted hat.

He goes into Debenham's.

Hello, says Ageless, to the assistant. Do you have a red knitted hat?

We have everything, says the assistant. She goes to the back of the shop and comes back with a red knitted hat.

Very nice, says Ageless. I'll take it.

That will be thirty euros, says the assistant.

It's for someone with cancer, says Ageless, lugubriously. Could you offer a discount, perhaps?

Oh dear, says the assistant, how awfully tragic. Here take it, along with my prayers.

Thank you, says Ageless. May you be rewarded.

He walks out of the shop with the red knitted hat, and does not put it on straight away.

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