Friday, March 13, 2015

Blue Man Disappearing

Katherine and Denise can see quite well now. Their eyes have got used to the dark.

The fire on the screen has died down and the man has disappeared.

Just like life, says Katherine.

Yes, says Denise. Very existential.

Except..... says Katherine.

Exactly, says Denise. We don't disappear quite so cleanly.


Denis has swallowed the last dregs of his cold drip coffee.

What now? says Denis.

How about we grab a couple of free bikes and I show you the city? says Sweezus.

Free bikes! Great idea, says Denis.

Sweezus pays for the coffees, and they walk to the station to pick up the bikes.

Soon they are riding along North Terrace, past the Art Gallery, with its banners.

BILL VIOLA, says Sweezus. The video artist. You heard of him?

No-oh! says Denis, narrowly avoiding a pedestrian. Fame is not always universal.

But you're famous, says Sweezus.

Much good it did me, says Denis. Constant drudgery, harassment and desertion. Damn dictionary.

Encyclopedia, says Sweezus. Shit, sorry, man, call it whatever.....

But Denis isn't listening. He has spotted his sister.

That looks like Denise and Katherine coming out of the gallery, says Denis.

He stops and humps his free bicycle onto the pavement. Sweezus does the same.


We had SUCH a lovely lunch, says Denise. And we've been to three galleries.

What did you think of Bill Viola? asks Sweezus.

Wonderfully dark, says Katherine. Deeply thoughtful and evocative.

Yes, says Denise, suppressing a burp ( pickled carrot). I particularly liked The Messenger. A naked man rises up towards you through deep blue-black glittering water. Mesmerising. It takes ages.

Ages, says Katherine. Like everything in there.

Denis remembers the cold drip coffee, which also takes ages, yet doesn't seem worth it.

Is that it? asks Sweezus. Does anything else happen?

He breaks the surface, says Denise. Opens his eyes and takes a breath. You see his natural colour, and his.....

Penis, says Katherine.

I was going to say that, says Denise.

Sorry, says Katherine. I should have waited.

Then he floats back down again slowly, slowly, until he's just a wavering bright spot in the depths of the water, says Denise.

Such a nice looking young man, says Katherine.

Bit like you, thinks Denise, looking at Sweezus.

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