Monday, March 30, 2015

She Doesn't But Everyone Else Does

Ten o'clock in Kalgoorlie. The Youth Fest is over.

Time to go home.

Ageless tips himself out of his deckchair and looks for Baby Pierre.

There he is, heading towards the front gates with Brianna. They're sharing a slushie.

Ageless skitters over.

There you are, says Ageless. Did you catch Marlisa?

Yes, says Brianna. She's so awesome. Try to embrace the lines on your face, la la la la,
that's who you are......

I didn't get that, says Baby Pierre.

Lines on your face, says Brianna. They're like growth lines. Like tree rings.

Yes, says Ageless. I see yours, Brianna. He-he. They'll show up even better when you're polished.

Yes, when you're polished, says Baby Pierre, thinking he's saying the right thing. He isn't.

Brianna drops her slushie straw into the red dust, and turns on her umbo.

Dear me, says Ageless. Sensitive. Just like Kobo.

Brianna spins back around.

Did you say Kobo?

I did say Kobo, says Ageless. My beloved.

Kobo, says Baby Pierre. She's my auntie. We're meeting up with her in Esperance. We're going deep sea diving. And I don't need a suit. And she doesn't. But everyone else does.

I don't, says Ageless.

The gates are closing.

They all scuttle through.

Now they are standing outside Centennial Park in Kalgoorlie.

I know a Kobo, says Brianna. But it won't be the same one. This Kobo's a fossilised clam.

That's h...... ! begins Baby Pierre, until Ageless pokes him in the tulip.

Too late. Brianna is a sharp one.

I'm coming with you to Esperance, says Brianna. How do we get there?

Bus, says Ageless. Underneath. You won't like it.


Early morning in Perth, at the Backpackers.

Gaius wakes up feeling refreshed.

Ahh, says Gaius. I slept like a baby. How about you two?

Not bad, says Arthur.

Yeah not too bad, says Sweezus. But I had these weird dreams about ruby sea dragons.

What were they doing? asks Arthur.

What do you reckon? says Sweezus.

He's still a bit prickly.

Swimming? says Gaius breezily.

Growling, says Sweezus. First clicking, then growling. Freaking me out.

Remarkable, says Gaius. I must tell Nerida. Perhaps she can verify.....

Yeah, how'd it go with Nerida? asks Sweezus. We joining their expedition?

I'm afraid not, says Gaius. They don't yet have the funding.  But the good news is, we're to form an advance party. We fly to Esperance at midday. You'll need to get hold of that diving suit, Sweezus. I trust it won't be a problem.

Pffft, says Sweezus. No problema! I'm onto it. See you guys after breakfast.

I'll come with you, says Arthur, foreseeing a muy grande problema.

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