Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Cool Angles On Rifts

How come you're not going? says Sweezus.

Gaius is going, says Arthur.

I'm going. Perth's heaps cool, says Sweezus. We could go down the coast, get in some surfing.

I'll think about it, says Arthur.

Pablo comes over with a spotted tray and a burger.

Ever been to Perth? asks Sweezus.

No, says Pablo. Are you going?

NO! says Terence who has been picking up coins under the table.

Don't listen to him, says Sweezus.

I'm leaving soon, says Pablo. I've already missed the Paris-Nice , and the Tirreno. Not long till the Giro.

Lucky bugger, says Sweezus.

Language, says Terence.

I know it's language, says Sweezus.

Why can't we go to Melbourne? says Terence.

It's the other side of the country, says Arthur.

Who wants to go to Melbourne? says Ray, coming over with a dish of Vietnamese street food.

Me, says Terence. But not with you, red face.

I'm going home to Blaxland, says Ray, but I thought I'd stop off in Melbourne. See my ex-wife. Maybe stay over Easter.

Good for you, says Sweezus.

Don't you need to be at your church over Easter? says Pablo.

Ray chews on a sprout, and looks grim.

Vello and Denis Diderot wander over, with bottles of Cooper's.

Making plans are we? says Vello.

Yeah, we might go to Perth, says Sweezus. Look for the Seadragon thingy with Gaius.

Don't you have to finish something first? says Vello.

It's finished says Sweezus. Typed up and everything. I took this cool angle.

Oh? says Denis. What's this cool angle?

It's the rift between you guys, says Sweezus. Vello the deist and Diderot the atheist. And Rousseau, and how you hate him and Denis loves him, and........ what?

I'd better read it, says Vello.

You'd better, says Denis.

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