Friday, March 20, 2015

Red Lures And Entanglements

Kobo is excited. She's going to Perth.

She sends a flirty message to Ageless:

dear ageless i'mmmm off to perth looking for sea dragons xxxx

She instantly regrets it.


Baby Pierre, in a huff, has already set off for the library.

Ageless is resting under a chair.

Baby Pierre! cries Ageless lobster. My own boy! How.....

Never mind that, says Baby Pierre. I need to know something. I need to know how far away Perth is.

This is fishy, says Ageless.

Why fishy? says Baby Pierre.

Who sent you? asks Ageless.

No one sent me, says Baby Pierre. I'm a free agent. A free thinker.

No need to remind me, says Ageless. I'm your daddy.

Several readers look up from their reference books.

Who is whose daddy? And why is he under a chair? And where is the other one?

Weird. Or maybe it's time for a coffee break.

I've just learnt that Kobo is going, says Ageless. Looking for sea dragons. It's not like her.

Gaius is going. Gaius loves her, says Baby Pierre. He believes everything she says and nothing I say.

What did she say? asks Ageless.

That you were my best asset, says Baby Pierre.

He instantly regrets it.

Ageless swells visibly.

Best asset! says Ageless. Let me think now, Perth is.......wait a minute..... sea dragons..... why Perth for sea dragons? It's a city!

Dead ones, says Baby Pierre.

Dead ones! says Ageless. You don't want to eat dead ones. They should go to Esperance. The south coast teems with sea dragons, both species. Delicious yellow and purple weedy ones and crunchy leafy orange ones, which are rarer. Most of the orange ones live near here anyway. They needn't go all that way. It's crazy, I'd say, beyond fishy.

You're very smart, daddy, and learned, says Baby Pierre. But there's something you don't know. There's a new one. A new species. Gaius says it's a ruby red sea dragon.

Ageless is excited. A ruby red one! His favourite colour.

He picks up his red knitted hat.

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