Sunday, June 14, 2020

Bad News For Teeth

The jellybean can obviously hear us, says Kierkegaard. Does that mean it has ears?

I heard that, says the jellybean. Why not ask me?

Because you won't know, says Terence.

I may have a theory, says the jellybean.

Let us hear it, says Gaius.

Everything's inside, says the jellybean.

Hah! says Terence. Let's cut you open and see!

No need for that, says Gaius. We could request an x-ray.

What a crackpot idea, says Vello. An x-ray.

Can one simply request an x-ray? asks Kierkegaard.

I find dentists are only too happy, says Gaius.

I'm not going to a DENTIST! cries the jellybean.

Why not? asks Terence, who has never had to go to a dentist.

I'm bad news for teeth, says the jellybean.

Terence is impressed with this claim by the jellybean.


I'm sure we can get round that, says Gaius. Meanwhile we're here, where there are no dentists, but there may well be emu-wrens. Shall we head across to the bird hide?

Can I come? asks Terence. My pants are rolled up now.

Indeed they are. Rolled up into fat flannelette rings at knee height.

Can you walk properly? asks Gaius.

Yes, says Terence. But my feet can't.

Ha ha, laughs the jellybean. Old Man!

YOU can't come, Bad News, says Terence.

Now then, says Kierkegaard. No name-calling.

But the jellybean shouldn't come, says Vello. He almost caused the death of a thornbill.

How so? asks Gaius.

Vello shows him the photo.

Hmm, says Gaius. So birds find him attractive. He might lure them out.

Using a dangerous jellybean as bait seems like a dodgy practice, says Vello.

We'd take precautions of course, says Gaius.

String, says Kierkegaard. String round the jellybean. Then we'd jerk it away if required.

It's a good idea. Foolproof.

They search the camper for string.

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