Friday, June 26, 2020

School Swamp

Keep him talking, says Gaius. I'm going back for my notebook.

Okay, says Terence.

Where's his notebook? asks the emu-wren.

In the bird hide, says Terence. But he won't have a pencil.

Ha ha, laughs the emu-wren. Want to come somewhere with me? There might be a pencil.

Why do I want a pencil? asks Terence.

To give to him, says the emu-wren. So he can write in his notebook.

About what? asks Terence.

About me, says the emu-wren. Come on.

Why will there be a pencil? asks Terence.

A kid might have dropped one, says the emu-wren. They drop things they're not supposed to.

Terence understands this. He drops things he's not supposed to as well.

How far is it? asks Terence.

As far as the School Swamp, says the emu-wren. I'm a bird, but I'm not a fast flier. We could run through the low vegetation.

Okay, says Terence, but I should tell Gaius.

Leave an arrow, says the emu-wren. That's what the kids do.

Terence would love to leave an arrow, pointing in the direction of the School Swamp, so Gaius will know where he's gone.

Where's the arrow? asks Terence.

Are we equals? asks the emu-wren. Find your own arrow.

Terence looks about for an arrow. There isn't one.

Make one, says the emu-wren. You can use stones or sticks. Or draw one in the mud with your finger. But if it rains the mud will close up and your arrow will be useless.

Terence decides to use sticks.

To find the right stick, break it and form an arrow, then place it so it points to the School Swamp, takes ages.

You would think Gaius might have returned with his notebook.

But no. He can't find a pencil.

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