Wednesday, July 8, 2020

That Would Surprise Me

Angelina and Kierkegaard are standing outside the bird hide.

My car or yours? says Angelina.

I don't have one, says Kierkegaard. I came here on my bike.

That solves that, says Angelina. We'll go over by Sealink. They go daily.

I wonder if Gaius and Arthur are going by Sealink, says Kierkegaard.

Angelina wonders that too.

Inside the bird hide, Vello berates Gaius.

How would you like it, asks Vello, if you had planned a holiday on Kangaroo Island with a new woman, and I decided to tag along, with Arthur?

I should be pleased, says Gaius. Arthur is the most reliable young man I know.

But what about the woman? says Vello.

Depends, says Gaius. I imagine she'd get on well with Arthur. Most ladies like poets.

Say she wanted to spend all her time with you, says Vello.

That would surprise me, says Gaius.

If you must go, says Vello, I suggest you stay on a different part of the island.

Different? says Gaius.

From them, says Vello, indicating the exit.

Arthur and I shall visit the burnt parts, says Gaius. I shall make notes on the recovery.

And what will Arthur do? asks Vello.

What he always does, says Gaius. Slope off. Eat. Write poems. But when it comes to the pinch, should I need a pencil, he will find me a pencil.

A worthy talent, says Vello.

Or a knife, says Gaius. Should I need one.

Vello lets that go.

Terence is also outside the bird hide.

He is playing with Ronnie.

The emu-wren (his parrot) flies down.

I see you've sharpened the pencil, says the emu-wren.

Guess what? says Terence. We're all going to Kangaroo Island.

Not me, says the emu-wren. I'm staying right here. It's nearly the breeding season.

Who cares? says Terence.

We do, says the emu-wren.

Ronnie can say O, says Terence.

I have cousins on Kangaroo Island, says the emu-wren.

When he says it, you have to put your ear next to where it comes from, says Terence.

You're obviously not even listening, says the emu-wren.

I am or how would I hear it? says Terence.

The emu-wren (now his ex-parrot) gives up on the idea of messaging his KI cousins.

He flies off.

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