Friday, April 30, 2021

Circle Of Life

At Hobart Airport.

First job, look for a lunch box, before going through security.

That means not everyone can go through at once.

I'll go through with Arthur, says Katherine. You two wait here with the lobsters.

She extracts Dufresne from her hand bag and hands him to David.

David and Gaius sit on a seat with Dufresne and Baudin.

A few people stare.

Expensive lunch!

Arthur and Katherine go though security and look for a shop that might sell them a lunch box.

What about this one? says Katherine. The Australian Way. 

You go, says Arthur. I'll head to the food court.

The Australian Way is full of souvenir gifts at inflated prices.

Any lunch boxes? asks Katherine, at the counter.

We have these Bluey ones for kiddies, says the sales assistant. Thirty dollars. PBA free.

Hmm, says Katherine. It's for a lobster.

Whole or cut up? asks the sales assistant.

Whole, says Katherine. In fact there are two of them.  

Then you'll require two, says the sales assistant.

Any air holes? asks Katherine.

They're alive? says the sales assistant.

Yes, says Katherine. They're with me and my party. One of the lobsters is a bit of a sexual predator, so we thought, why not put him in a lunch box?

What about the other one? asks the sales assistant.

Perfect manners, says Katherine. You may have heard of him. Captain Baudin.

I have, says the sales assistant. I didn't realise he was a lobster.

Not everyone does, says Katherine. 

In the circumstances, says the sales assistant, I'll forego a sale and direct you to the Circle of Life over there. They do wonderful doughnuts, which come in a container with air holes when you buy a dozen. And you get to eat the doughnuts.

What a superb idea, says Katherine. Thank you for your help. I feel I ought to buy something. What about this lovely silk scarf?

It's one hundred and fifty dollars, says the sales assistant. Hand painted.

Done, says Katherine. Wrap it up for me.

She walks out of the store and straight into Arthur who is carrying a large container of doughnuts, in a container with adequate air holes.

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