Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Influx Of Urchins

Lisa takes Gaius, Baudin and Dufresne to the marine lab.

A lobster in a lab coat is leaning over a tank.

Louttit!, says Lisa. Some old friends to see you.

Louttit looks up.

Baudin! And Dufresne! 

He looks delighted, if somewhat sheepish.

Louttit is doing some important work with the sea urchins, says Lisa.

What is it? asks Gaius.

I'll let him explain, says Lisa. I must check the temps on the tropical fish tank.

She heads off to the fish tank to do it.

As you know, says Louttit, sea temperatures are warming. Our kelp forests are rapidly disappearing. 

Aha, says Gaius. And you have an influx of sea urchins.

Yes, an influx, says Louttit. I'm in charge of a tank of them here.

Gaius, Baudin and Dufresne gaze into Louttit's tank of sea urchins.

They are lined up in rows wearing sullen expressions.

They don't look too happy, says Dufresne.

I'm gradually turning up the temperature, says Louttit. At any time they can choose to opt out.

So why don't they? asks Baudin.

Because they are pig headed, says Louttit. 

It seems a bit cruel, says Gaius. Does the CSIRO approve of these methods?

Under review, says Louttit. Meanwhile, I continue. 

It seems you have landed a cushy job, says Dufresne. 

Not so cushy, says Louttit. I'm also expected to re-train them.

To do what? asks Gaius.

That's the problem, says Louttit. But enough of me. What are you doing here?

Just dropping by on our way to New Zealand, says Gaius.

All of you? asks Louttit.

Yes all of us. Including Arthur and Katherine and David.

Oh joy! says Louttit. It must be seven years since I saw them.

When do you get off? asks Gaius. Perhaps we could meet up for dinner.

At five, says Louttit. I would love to.

He peers into his tank of sea urchins.

Hear that you urchins? I'm invited for dinner. 

The sea urchins look at one another.

Good, says one, loudly. That means we won't have to look at your ugly mug all night long.

Louttit looks embarrassed.

Now his friends might intuit that he sleeps here.

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