Saturday, April 24, 2021

Warm And Wet

Lisa orders the Spanakopita. She says she has had it before.

Arthur orders the Garides (grilled prawns with garlic and lemon).

The lobsters order a large plate of prime Tasmanian mussels, to share.

Good choice, beams the waiter.

While they wait for the food to arrive they order another round of beer.

So, says Lisa, when are you off to New Zealand?

Tomorrow, says David. Am I right?

He looks at Arthur.

Tomorrow, says Arthur. 

And where are you proposing to look for the kakapo? asks Lisa.

On a little island called Te Hauturu-o-Toi, says Katherine. It means Resting Place of the Wind.

Do you suppose that means it's very windy? asks Lisa. 

No, says Katherine. I'm hoping it means that it isn't.

So am I, says David. Wind makes my nose run.

I believe Hauturu-o-Toi has a warm wet climate, says Gaius. 

Wet? says David. 

Don't fuss, David, says Katherine. 

I'm sure it will be lovely, says Lisa. Looking forward to it, Arthur? 

Arthur is organising our permits, says Gaius. 

This reminds Arthur that he's supposed to be organising the permits.

Yes, says Arthur. I am. 

And what about you Lisa? asks Gaius. I heard you're in charge of the tropical fish at the CSIRO?

Yes, says Lisa. Due to warming waters, tropical systems are now too hot for some species, and tropical fish are moving down south to subtropical waters.

Surely not to Tasmania? says David.

Not yet, says Lisa. But as far south as Sydney. 

So what do you do? asks Katherine.

Similar to what Louttit was doing with the sea urchins, says Lisa.

What's that? says Louttit, looking up.

Well, not exactly, says Lisa. I don't eat them. 

Louttit goes back to discussing what he has been discussing with Baudin and Dufresne.

The question of what it feels like to be eaten.

Dufresne has the advantage of once having been eaten by Maoris. 

It was a long time ago and he has only the vaguest of memories.

But it was unpleasant.

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