Thursday, April 29, 2021

Large Hands

The next morning, they all meet at reception.

Arthur is a pale shade of green.

Are you all right dear? asks Katherine.

Yes, says Arthur. I pulled an all-nighter. I'll sleep on the plane.

We too, says Captain Baudin. 

We? says Gaius. Is Dufresne coming with us?

Don't worry, says Captain Baudin. He and I will be happy in a lunch box.

Very wise, says Gaius. Do we have a lunch box?

Everyone thinks.

Perhaps they can get one at the airport. Airports have shops.

Gaius calls a taxi, and they head for the airport.

Arthur is wedged in between Gaius and David, in the back seat of the taxi.

The two lobsters rest longways in the groove between Arthur's legs. 

Baudin closest to Arthur, on his shorts, and Dufresne on the bare skin above Arthur's knee.

Did you know your scab's been knocked off? asks Dufresne.

Yes, says Arthur. 

Need a tissue? asks Katherine, looking round from the front passenger seat.

No, says Arthur.

Yes, says the taxi driver. No bleeding in my taxi.

Katherine hands Arthur a tissue.

I can't do much with it, says Arthur. Dufresne's in the way.

Hand him to me, says David. 

Are you sure? asks Katherine.

It won't be for long, says David. I'll open a window.

But of course, he can't open a window. The taxi driver won't let him.

He can come to me, says Gaius. Just let me find somewhere for my notebooks.

He starts trying to twist out of his back pack, to put his notebooks away.

No wonder it's a squeeze, says David. Why are you wearing your back pack in the taxi?

Thoughtless of me, I know, says Gaius. Perhaps you might hold my notebooks, then Dufresne can ease over...

Eventually it gets to the point where Dufresne can ease over.

Arthur dabs at the blood oozing out of his knee.

World's rarest fish, says David, glancing at Gaius's notes. This is interesting.

Indeed, says Gaius. If we weren't on our way to New Zealand I would follow it up. A new colony of red handfish has been discovered at an undisclosed site, off south east Tasmania. Until recently there was thought to be only one remaining colony of about twenty to forty.

Just goes to show, says David. Is this what they look like? 

Gaius has attempted a sketch in his notebook.

Yes, says Gaius. They walk on the sea floor instead of swimming, which explains the large hands they exhibit.

May I see? asks Baudin, who is still on Arthur's lap.

And me? says Dufresne, moving back over to Arthur.

Of course, but I'm not having two lobsters sit on me at once, says David. Can you swap places?

Stop annoying poor Arthur, says Katherine. Hand Dufresne to me.

Dufresne is elated, to think he'll be on Katherine's lap.

He is hoisted across to the front of the taxi, but soon disappointed, when she forces him into her handbag.

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