Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Existential Dilemma

On the plane. Ready for take-off.

David and Katherine sit together, wearing their masks.

Gaius and Arthur sit directly behind them.

But where is Captain Baudin?

There he is, three rows back, sitting beside...would you believe it?...another lobster.

They are comparing their boarding experiences.

Captain Baudin: I just walked straight past them.

Other Lobster: Me too. It's as if no one saw me.

Captain Baudin: And yet surely I stand out with this hat.

Other Lobster: You do. Where did you get it?

Captain Baudin: A friend of mine lent it to me

Other Lobster: Don't tell me...was it... Ageless Lobster?

Captain Baudin: It was. Do you know him?

Other Lobster: I used to see him in the State Library, in that exact hat. 

Captain Baudin: He took me there once. I was looking myself up.

Other Lobster: Why? Are you famous?

Captain Baudin: Captain Nicolas Baudin.

Other Lobster: I looked myself up too. I was eaten by Maoris, along with my crew.

Captain Baudin: Dufresne! Why aren't you dressed as a captain?

Dufresne: Why aren't you?

Captain Baudin: I'm going on to New Zealand as soon as the Trans Tasman bubble opens.

Dufresne: What a coincidence. So am I. 

Captain Baudin: We ought to catch up.

Dufresne: Attention! Here comes a flight attendant. 

They stop speaking. The flight attendant walks past them without stopping.

The two sea captains look at one another.

They had not wished to stand out, but .....

Dufresne: Next time she passes, I'll hail her.

Captain Baudin: See if she notices.

Dufresne: And if she doesn't?

Captain Baudin: You and I have an existential dilemma.

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