Monday, July 2, 2012

Liège to Seraing - Creativity

The next day was Stage One, from Liège to Seraing. Arthur Rimbaud now has two bandaged knees. Team Philosophe is riding in the middle of the main peloton.

Arthur Rimbaud: Oooh! Aaaah!

Sweezus: What's up, Arthur?

Arthur Rimbaud: Oh the bitter redness of.... uh.....the bitter redness...oooh!

Sweezus: Don't try and compose while you're riding, you idiot!

Arthur Rimbaud: Life is pointless otherwise, an atrocious fanfare, a burnt face, arms of crystal....uhh!

Gaius: What's the matter with him?

Sweezus: He's trying to ride through his pain by composing.

Arthur Rimbaud: No I'm not.

Gaius: What's happening then?

Arthur Rimbaud: Poetry is happening. But I need some drugs.

Gaius: No! They don't like drugs here. They don't even like extra strong mints.

Arthur Rimbaud: Drugs aid my creativity.

Sweezus: That's not creativity.

Arthur Rimbaud: What would you know?

Sweezus: I'm doing a creative writing course.

Arthur Rimbaud: Oh do tell!

Sweezus (offended):  I came top of my class.

Gaius: We won't be coming top of this class! Pedal faster, boys! Team Liquigas is coming up behind us!

Arthur Rimbaud: Team Liquigas! Hee Hee!

He falls off his bike.

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