Saturday, July 28, 2012

What GPS Means to A Pebble

GPS. That much was clear. The rest of the words on the envelope were so water-stained and creased that they were unreadable by matchlight .

GPS, said the Cap'n. Now what d'ye suppose that's meant to mean?

Everyone knows what it means, said Arthur, impatiently. But why write it on an envelope?

Oh everyone knows, does they? said the Cap'n. Watch your smart tongue boy. Let's see if the Bo'sun here knows what it means. Mr Higgs?

Bo'sun Higgs looked uncomfortable. He knew what it meant.

Nay, said Bo'sun Higgs. Not for certain.

More to the point, said Arthur, to himself, why would Belle et Bonne write it on an envelope?

Ouvert brightened up. He flashed a fishy grin.

She's sending me by GPS, he said happily. Put me inside!

Hold on a minute, said Arthur. Where do you think GPS is? The rest of the address is obscured.

But Ouvert had heard about GPS, from the Tour de France riders. If you travelled by GPS you could get from anywhere to anywhere, by means of satellite tracking.

He explained this to the pirates.

Blow me down, said the Cap'n. If that's the case, then why d'ye need all them stamps?

Ouvert was stumped.

I don't need them, he said finally.

Bo'sun Higgs saw an opportunity.

I collect stamps, he said. Can I 'ave 'em?

Yes, you can, said Ouvert grandly. Just don't tear the envelope getting them off.

Reluctantly Arthur handed the envelope to the Bo'sun. It seemed like a very bad idea. GPS didn't work like that. You needed more than an envelope, he was sure. Belle et Bonne had intended to post Ouvert somewhere. But where?

Wait a minute! said Arthur. I've got it. Don't remove those stamps! I know what GPS means!

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